Food Pantry


The JFS Food Pantry serves more than 2,500 individuals and families per year. Though we receive a monthly allocation from the Community Food Bank, we need the community to help us fill the gap. The pantry is always in need of nonperishable food items such as:

  • Peanut Butter
  • Grape Jelly
  • Tuna
  • Dry Pasta
  • Ready to eat meals (beef stew, ravioli, etc.)
  • Soups
  • Canned fruits & vegetables
  • Cereal

All donations should be unopened and properly sealed. Lower sugar and lower salt items are needed due to the growing senior client population and clients with special dietary needs.

Donations make a difference in the lives of our recipients, which include elderly individuals and couples, single-parent families, people who are ill, and those who have been impacted by recent unemployment or major medical problems.

All donations can be dropped off at JFS, Monday - Friday 9am-3pm.


Volunteers are always needed to stock and organize our food pantry. JFS has volunteers that range from pre-school age to seniors. To organize a food drive, help sort & stock the pantry or learn more about volunteer opportunities, contact or call 609-822-1108 x 249.